Formation of phonological competence of child in polish language and literature education in early school education

  • Beata Kucharska Katedra Filologii Polskiej, Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
Keywords: early school education polish studies, prevention speech, speech disorder, phonological competence, linguistic awareness, phonemic hearing, linguistic utterance, phonetic exercises (exercise of articulation, breathing exercises, diction exercises, voice a


The article concerns the central role of elementary education polish studies, or formation of language competence of child; it means a developmental activity to reflect and manipulate the speech sounds. Its main objective is: the ability to distinguish phonemes by ear (phonemic hearing); the ability to perform operations on syllables (syllabic analysis and synthesis), phonemes (phonemic analysis and synthesis) and mid-syllable elements (identifying the rhymes and alliteration).


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How to Cite
Kucharska, B. (2016). Formation of phonological competence of child in polish language and literature education in early school education. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, (23/1), 55-61. Retrieved from