The Axiological Potential of a Book And here at Home. Tales of Factory Children
Through reading, a child learns the values that are important in one’s life. The primary environment in which value transfer takes place is the family. In it the child is influenced by their parents and what they think, what they believe, what they consider the most important, according to which rules they behave. The aim of the article is to show the axiological qualities transmitted by the books of Grażyna Bąkiewicz, especially here at home. These tales of factory children and the values associated with the family are significant: joy, free time together, common conversations. Thanks to them they build a family community. G. Bąkiewicz emphasizes the value of the family home. The presented textual expressions should shape in the minds of contemporary readers the conviction of the importance of spending time together that it is important for family members, rather than just existing side by side. For the unquestionable values that the reader finds within, the diligence, truthfulness and honesty of the book’s heroes must be recognized. They can be a pattern of behavior for both children and adults. In reading you can see the importance of attachment to a small homeland – the city of Lodz. The story of these factory children introduces a young reader into a world of values in a happy, full family. The book provides knowledge, approximates the moral and social norms of behavior, and shapes attitudes toward home and one’s own place.
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