Educational Values of Izabella Klebańska and Anna Czerwińska-Rydel’s Music Books – Research Report
The article presents research results aimed at checking the effectiveness of knowledge interactions contained in music books by Izabella Klebańska and Anna Czerwinska-Rydel on music education of preschool children. In order to elaborate on the main problem, questions were asked about the musical aspects of books, the ways of shaping knowledge and perception. The method of pedagogical experiment, technique of one group was applied. Experimental factors were selected issues from books on the music of the mentioned authors. In the course of the research it was determined that the knowledge contained in the books of A. Klebanska and A. Czerwińska-Rydel significantly influenced children’s musical education, contributing to the development of musical skills and competences of four and five year old children as well as their musical interests. So far only scientific literature has been subjected to the poetic layer of children’s musical literature. Interdisciplinary pedagogical-musical studies indicate not only the artistic value of the analyzed works, but also the possibility and effectiveness of the use of poetry or prose as a medium for a knowledge of music.
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