Anthropological Bases of Resilience: Narrative Self-Construction as a Protective Factor in Resilience

Słowa kluczowe: anthropology, resilience, pedagogical, education


Resilience as a construct is a relatively recent phenomenon that has now grown in importance, especially in new educational and pedagogical proposals that focus on prevention against possible risky behaviours. As a result, over the last few decades, approaches to resilience have undergone a transformation that goes far beyond this change in its conceptual conception.

In this paper, we bring together two aspects that are considered fundamental to understanding resilience as a human capacity, leaving aside how it may be applied. There is a clear need to base resilience on clearly anthropological aspects that, suggested by philosophical anthropology, can help us to see that this capacity is the fruit of human nature itself. It is at this point that anthropology joins narrative self-construction in the development of the internal logos. Those anthropological traits are undoubtedly those that can help us to understand how a person can make themselves through their own internal dialogue in clear interrelation with their environment. Based on this personal growth, they will be able to develop aspects of their own personality that will help them to overcome adverse situations and even, in very extreme cases, traumatic situations.


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Jak cytować
Signes, M. T. (2019). Anthropological Bases of Resilience: Narrative Self-Construction as a Protective Factor in Resilience. Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce, 14(2(52), 11-21.