Call for Papers: EETP Vol. 20. No 1(76) 2025. Formative Assessment in Educational Practice - Expectations and Reality


Assessment of students in early childhood education has been a subject of discussion, tensions and controversies for years. Research proves that teachers themselves consider the art of assessment to be one of the most difficult skills to master. Good assessment should not only provide the child with transparent feedback on how he or she works, what he or she has achieved and what he or she still needs to improve. It should also trigger the child's reflection, strengthen his/ her sense of agency, develop the ability to cope with failures, and encourage to take personal responsibility for one’s own learning, gradually building the ability to self-regulation. In practice, however, teachers face various challenges related to the process of observing a child's educational efforts, monitoring the progress, or sensitively individualizing feedback, as well as responding to the expectations of parents and school management. We invite researchers and practitioners to undertake a scientific reflection on the following problematic fields:

  • To what extent is the assessment process used in Polish preschools and elementary pro-developmental and supportive for children?
  • What methods, techniques and tools for collecting information about students do the authors of textbooks and curricula propose?
  • What types and forms of assessment do teachers use in practice?
  • What is the secret to the effectiveness of educational systems that are devoid of assessments in the form of school grades?