Creativity of the Teacher-Educator as Important Conditions of the Process of Equating Opportunities in Access to Education of a Poor Child
Poor families are often seen as socially, environmentally and culturally neglected, thus forming the areas of social risk, frequently characterized by different serious symptoms of dysfunction and failure in education. Children from such families generally are culturally and intellectually deprived; they also face many barriers in access to education and are subjected to various aspects of the subculture of poverty. There is therefore an urgent need for action to support those children who are evidently marginalized because of family poverty. The school environment plays an enormous role in such initiatives as a basic educational link for young people. The school is responsible for animating the activities of the poor, developing their social entrepreneurship and motivating them to create their own, valuable lifestyles which provide opportunities for social promotion. These difficult and complicated educational challenges generate a particular need to form creative attitudes amongst people dealing with the processes of upbringing and education, as they are only able to develop the same attitudes in their pupils and equip them in developing the potential for independently building their own life and rejecting the subculture of material poverty.
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