Artetherapy and Creative Education in the Practice of an Educating Socialization Institution
The article addresses the problem of creation and development of creativity of children and youth through art therapy and creative education workshops in a socialization facility. Empirical studies were conducted, the subject of which were both methods of interaction through art. The aim of the study was to determine the scale of problems of charges, therapeutic competence of pedagogical staff, the scope of therapeutic and educational impacts and their effectiveness in the assessment of teaching staff and foster children. The main research problem concerned the following: What is the role of art therapy and creative education in bringing up children in a socialization institution? The research used the method of diagnostic survey and survey techniques as well as document research. As it results from the conducted research, the dominant form of helping children is art therapy, which mainly includes children with communication problems, with increased emotional tension, behavioral disorders and symptoms of social maladjustment. Creative education workshops are conducted for all those interested in this form of activity, although not in all educational groups. Pedagogical staff using the tested methods in their work with pupils, have completed appropriate postgraduate studies, courses and trainings. Artetherapy helps these children relieve emotional tension, express their emotions, thoughts and feelings and deal with emotional problems, stress, anger and aggression. Creative education workshops in artistic forms and creativity training stimulate the integral development of the pupils’ personalities and stimulate the processes of self-creation and self-education of foster children.
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