A review of studies on developing a school prophylactic program to prevent social exclusion
The aim of the article is to present scientific research based on an analysis of data concerning aggression in terms of pupils feeling insecure or vulnerable at school. The analysis was carried out as a systematic review of reports discussing research conducted in Poland. The article presents the evidence-based practice approach as a theoretical basis for the analysis, and the chosen research method—i.e., systematic review. The results of the research that is interpreted in the narrative synthesis indicate varied substantive and methodological value among the 33 analyzed reports, whose research objectives most often focused on determining the scale of aggression in schools and the factors that determine it. Conclusions and recommendations stemming from the survey of secondary sources are important, both for interdisciplinary theories constituting the basis for social prevention and preventative practice, especially for school pedagogues, who are responsible for implementing educational/prophylactic programs in schools and educational institutions. Prophylactic strategies refer directly to the exclusion–inclusion continuum, having the potential to prevent the appearance and perseverance of problematic behavior, which may consequently lead to social exclusion.
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