Homeschooling in the Polish Way … some Reflections on the Condition of Home Education in Poland

Keywords: home education, home schooling, education, umbrella schools, alternative education


The article is aimed at familiarizing the reader with so-called homeschooling, an alternative form to public education. In the face of the educational reforms which are taking place in Poland, home schooling – understood as a social form of organizing the education of children and youth – is being chosen by families with growing frequency as a way of implementing the core curriculum with their children. Homeschooling offers the opportunity for natural and independent learning, one which takes into consideration individual potentialities, needs and the pace at which children and youth develop. This takes place in contrast to schools, in which children are treated as one, similar (to one another) group – not as a unique team of individuals. The increasing popularity and scope of homeschooling raises particularly heated discussions. What has been presented in this study are the historical and legal threads of home education in Poland, the description of the functioning of schools which are to support homeschooling and the activity of one school in the Silesian Voivodeship. It has been chosen due to its many years of experience, as well as the variety and multi-dimensional nature of the support provided for families.


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How to Cite
Minczanowska, A. J. (2018). Homeschooling in the Polish Way … some Reflections on the Condition of Home Education in Poland. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 13(4(50), 129-140.