Elementary Education as an Intellectual Space of (Not)Experiencing Democratic Practices by Children
The presented article addresses the problem of learning in democracy by children at the early educational stage. The main objective of the conducted research was to present and analyze the activities of teachers in terms of creating conditions for children to experience democratic practices in the learning process. The background of this research is a review of the contemporary considerations on the idea of democratization in relation to the education of a child at early school age in the contemporary reality. In the course of the research, the author of the study searches for the answers to questions concerning the main problem: Do and what actions undertaken by teachers during integrated classes are conducive to learning in democracy by children at early school age? As a result of the conducted qualitative research using observation of integrated classes (daily blocks of classes) hosted by primary class teachers, the author categorized teachers’ actions hindering or preventing the child participation in the education process, building space for student autonomy in cognition and understanding of the world, and facilitating effective learning in the course of interaction with other participants of the educational process. In the final part, a summary was made and conclusions from the research were formulated, the inclusion of which in the practice of early school education may favor the democratization of the intellectual space of school.
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