Adult “Care”, Children’s “Needs”, Social Ways of Managing Child Sexuality
In the majority of societies, sex is a practice attributed to adults, however, the sexuality of children is considered a permanent object of social anxiety. Analyzes related to child sexuality require more than the presence of diverse ways of understanding what serves the best interests of children. Following M. Stainton Rogers, I assumed that it is necessary to explore the discourse which will allow to find out where the values found in the construction of child sexuality came from. The point of reference for these explorations has become the discourse shaping the western policy and social practice. Within it, there are strivings to identify the basic “needs” of children and find solutions to the “problems” associated with the implementation of these “needs”. In this text, the discourse of needs serves as a starting point for historical interpretations and contemporary ways of “creating” childlike sexuality. In my deliberations, I identified the elements of the discourse of “needs” and “problems” of children associated with sexuality. I have not omitted the discourse of new threats generated especially in the public space in which children function. Next, I looked at the activities connected with solving the “problems” of child sexuality (including the practices of their normalization). These considerations were accompanied by an analysis of the structure of children and their sexuality, which are at the center of specific “threats”. Referring to the “needs” and “problems” of childhood sexuality, I also paid attention to the tensions generated in relation to them.
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