House Chores in the Awareness of Preschool Children

Keywords: learning, chores, children, educational projects, independence


The main objective of the article is to present the results of the research on house chores of preschool children, based on parents’ utterances and children’s pictures made at home during the fulfilment of the educational project. Family as a natural group of reference which provides the space of strong emotional identification, not only gives its members the sense of community and relation, but also the conditions for their optimum development. In the process of learning, the key role is played by the child’s psychological contact with the parents and the mechanisms of imitation, identification and modelling that function within this context. Children should not only care about their space, but, as they grow older, they should take up more and more difficult obligations/chores. That is why, it is important for even the youngest children to have certain obligations at home. Making the child involved in house chores means teaching them independence, self-discipline and the ability to effectively manage their own time. Also, during the performance of the chores, the parents are given the opportunity of additional interaction with the child. Common chores, i. e. the activities of parents and children carried out at home, are as effective in improving family relations as integration through play.

Author Biography

Jolanta Barszcz-Skowronek, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Zakład Pedagogiki Przedszkolnej
Doktorantka, nauczyciel przedszkola z 35 letnim stażem, dyrektor, ekspert w zakrsie kompetencji kluczowych


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How to Cite
Barszcz-Skowronek, J. (2019). House Chores in the Awareness of Preschool Children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 14(1(51), 83-94.