Teacher’s Dialogue with the Values

  • Iwona Nowakowska-Kempna Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: value, good, a hierarchy of values, the educational process, education, upbringing in accordance with values


Much has been written about the special role of axiology in the life of teachers, but only certain works draw attention to the non-transferability consistency between word and deed. The essence of the human mode of existence on earth was well described by John Paul II, who stressed that it is impossible to make a separation between personal and social values. This important theorem will guide the considerations pursued in this article. In a survey of students of Doctoral Studies at the Ignatianum Academy in Cracow, we asked about their understanding of values. We also asked them to place these values in an axiological system. This proved to be a difficult task, because determining the nature of the positive value assigned to phenomena defined by the objects, actions and intentions that form their basis is a complicated matter. As a result, the students’ statements appeared to indicate a range of values: some important things, but also some recognized as important in a less than wholly literal way. It is also difficult to persuade graduate students to live according to their own declarations regarding their values. In the ensuing article we invoke a fundamental thesis to the effect that the teacher acts in the world of values. These values account for the most important dimension of upbringing and education. Moral and cognitive merits determine the pedagogical process, informing our decisions about how to pursue it. The values and merits that show up here have been described by W. Tatarkiewicz, R. Ingarden, and E. Borowiecka, and the hierarchy and division of values has been outlined by M. Scheler. Such an analysis of values can provide a useful aid to the teacher’s own reflections. The 25 postgraduate students interviewed at Ignatianum express their opinions on the issue of values and their role in pedagogical and educational practice. They point out the values important in their lives and in their hierarchy – their place, role and function in the program of so-called “upbringing in accordance with values”.


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How to Cite
Nowakowska-Kempna, I. (2016). Teacher’s Dialogue with the Values. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 9(31/1), 69-80. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2014.0931.05