The Teacher’s Role in Helping Children in Migrant Families
This article sets out to present the situation of children from migrant families and to determine the kind of help they need from society and the state, and particularly from their schools and teachers. In addition, some useful suggestions are offered for working with such children – ones that every teacher could apply at their own school. Our survey of the literature relating to this topic, combined with our reflections stemming from the work of school-counselors and probation officers, show euro-orphanhood to be a phenomenon that typically affects children in a variety of areas pertaining to their lives and their development. Legal issues relating to the scope of responsibility in respect of their care and upbringing, and the proper execution of parental authority by legal guardians, are also raised. The role fulfilled by the forms of assistance provided by services, and especially by teachers, is important if families and children suffering from these difficulties are not to remain without adequate help. This article certainly does not exhaust the euro-orphanhood issue, but does touch on important matters pertaining to both the situation of children from migrant families and the responsibility of teachers to help them.References
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