Preparing Teachers to Teach Music in Early Childhood Education – Research Report

  • Anna Pękala Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: teacher, early school education, music education, competences


Pedagogical theorists are unanimous in their views concerning the importance of properly preparing teachers for their profession. In order to shape pupils’ personalities in an effective way, teachers are required to possess certain skills, as well as the appropriate personal characteristics. This applies to all teachers of all subjects, so that music teachers at various levels of education are by no means an exception. Teaching music education requires certain knowledge and skills, combining as it does a cognitive grasp of the musical art itself with the expression of one’s own experience. The author of this article is engaged in preparing teachers for their role in educating schoolchildren during the childhood stage. She must therefore be aware of the degree to which her work meets the requirements of her students. For this reason, she has conducted research based on a group of 120 working teachers. The questionnaire contained questions that together furnish the following picture: teachers appreciate the didactic and educational functions of their subject; teachers appreciate both the substantive and methodological preparation acquired at university and the professional experience gained in practice. The knowledge gained in the course of their studies constitutes the foundation for their further professional development; various forms of vocational training are popular among students; the conducting of classes is hindered by both a poor ability to play instruments and a limited knowledge of the musical literature; music is used not only for music classes, but also during Polish language classes, fine arts and physical education. It is an element of games and school breaks, and is also used for relaxation purposes; one drawback of studies is the excessively short period of practical preparation for conducting music classes. The research reflects a certain aspect of reality. The conclusions reached will be deployed to enhance the author's own workshops, and as part of an attempt to draw the attention of those responsible for the quality of educational processes at this level of education to the problem at hand.


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How to Cite
Pękala, A. (2016). Preparing Teachers to Teach Music in Early Childhood Education – Research Report. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 9(31/1), 97-110.