Teaching English in the Dalton Way; i. e. the Dalton Plan in English Lessons

Keywords: Helen Parkhurst, English lesson, teaching, learning, early school education, Dalton Plan


The Dalton Plan’s pedagogy was established by H. Parkhurst 100 years ago; but it is still valued and commonly applied in preschool and early school education. In this article; I intend to present different ways of implementing the Dalton Plan into teaching English at these stages. First; I will discuss the history of the Dalton Plan; and then I shall describe its founder and outline the main assumptions of the concept. Next; I will present how the Dalton Plan has developed worldwide; in particular in Poland; and I will discuss the current application of the Dalton Plan in the school environment. In the second part; I will present H. Parkhurst’s practical teaching strategies which can be effectively used in teaching English to children. I intend this article to be not only an inspiration for teachers teaching different foreign languages but also as an encouragement for practitioners to reflect on their work and perhaps expand their practice with new teaching strategies that would promote independence; responsibility; cooperation and reflection. Applying the Dalton Plan in everyday teaching allows teachers to personalise children’s learning and supports the development of children’s linguistic and social skills; which; in turn; facilitates the main objective of education.


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How to Cite
Kwella, M. N. (2020). Teaching English in the Dalton Way; i. e. the Dalton Plan in English Lessons. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(1(55), 117-130. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2020.1555.07