In Search of the Conditions for Permanent Implementation of STEM/STEAM in Polish Schools
In this article, the authors focused not only on the STEM/STEAM method, but also on the difficulties which need to be overcome so that this concept can be successfully introduced to the Polish schools. Among the difficulties that need to be overcome, they mention the lack of adaptation of the Polish education to the requirements of the progressive education. The errors of the curricular frameworks force all the students to be taught on the same level. They warn that, due to the wrongly led early mathematical education, a half of the students with a lower social-family capital have serious difficulties in reaching the mathematical resourcefulness. Therefore, in Poland STEM/STEAM is facing different tasks that anywhere else. The article is the continuation of the authors’ publications connected with creating the heuristic improvements and teaching science by using experiments with the help of scientific methods. Thus, in the next article, which will be the continuation of this publication, they will focus on the examples of the issues solved by the children using scientific methods. According to the authors, it is the proposal of overcoming the current difficulties and the possibility to introduce new learning methods, especially STEM/STEAM.
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