Homo narrans – a Dimension of Childchood Existence
The objective of the article is discussing the issue of narrative. The author considers the essence of narrative in children’s cultural, educational and developmental perspective. She defined the meaning of narrative imaging. The source material was the analysis of literature. The author emphasized its importance, its recent development and the essence of the pedagogical discourse on education. The considerations were placed within the context of culture and education which are strictly connected with each other. The author underlined the meaning of language in human life and in the pedagogical discourse as something that shapes the personality and attitudes of the young generation. It was emphasized that, in the entire process of education, the task of pedagogical discourse is fostering the level of students’ linguistic competence, which influences a person’s future functioning in the world. In the further part of the text the author discussed the structure of narrative that was separated and named by Ida Kurcz. Also, she indicated the role of teachers and parents who should, with full awareness and responsibility, care about the narrative dimension of childhood existence. It was determined that narrative is necessary in the life of homo narrans, not only in people’s childhood, but also in their adulthood. It is all the more important taking into account the current dominance of the culture of image and the increasing inflow of information.
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