From Special Education to Inclusive Education - Changes in the Learning Process of Deaf Pupils


Keywords: deaf pupil, special education, integrative education, inclusive education


The paper deals with problems in the process of educating deaf pupils. In the face of systemic changes and discussions among representatives of the scientific community and practitioners in the social sciences about an education model for deaf pupils, a system-based triad was established: special education–integrated education–inclusive educa- tion, within which attempts are made to reach solutions that would be beneficial to all of the actors involved in these processes. The analy- sis presents an evaluation of each of the educational systems, not only of experts from among hearing people, but also of hearing parents and those most concerned with their education, i.e., deaf people. The changes presented in this paper and related to the process of educating deaf pupils indicate a broad context of determinants in the implementation of the triad system.


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How to Cite
Plutecka, K. (2020). From Special Education to Inclusive Education - Changes in the Learning Process of Deaf Pupils: -. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(3(57), 35-48.