Work with the child’s body in Izabela Chlewińska’s performative installation “Body”

Keywords: body awareness, child, autism spectrum disorder, self-development, flow


The ideas presented in this article elaborate on an issue of the body, which plays the role of a tool that enables inclusion. Izabela Chlewinska’s performative installation Body constitutes an example of art, whose role is to emphasize the importance of improving body awareness. In the article, methods of working with the body are described, the aim of which is to introduce a child to the world of sensory sensations—the world which is close and necessary for a child. The world of sensory sensations and movement is the basis for proper personal development. The article discusses working with children with autism spectrum disorders. Through free expression and actions aimed at boosting creativity, children who participate in the performative installation remain in a pleasant flow state, during which their actions are consistent with their individual internal needs.


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Performative installation: The Body Authors of the exhibition: Iza Chlewińska, Tomasz Bergmann, and Miłosz

Sensory objects, Set design: Tomasz Bergmann. Performers: Izabela Chlewińska, Aneta Jankowska, Aleksandra Muszyńska-Bożek, Katarzyna Sitarz, Marta Bury, Krystian Łysoń. Music: Marcin Lenarczyk

How to Cite
Bury, M. (2020). Work with the child’s body in Izabela Chlewińska’s performative installation “Body” . Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(3(57), 21-34.