Balanced Diet and Healthy Food in the Opinions of Early Education Students

Keywords: healthy food, balanced diet, early school education, health promotion, nutritional risks


The text covers the issue of a balanced diet and healthy food from the perspective of a child in early education. Sweets, overweight, the lack of knowledge about a balanced diet, and many other factors affect abnormal development of children. Healthy food has become a kind of a trend. More and more people are trying to play sports, avoid unhealthy food and follow a balanced diet. Adults, i. e. parents, but also teachers and other representatives of educational institutions, are trying to ensure that children know the principles of healthy lifestyle, which includes the knowledge of healthy eating. Nowadays, school children in early education are taught about the dangers of eating unhealthy foods more frequently than they were in the past. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to get their opinion about what healthy food is and to what extent they follow a balanced diet when choosing food products. The researchers were looking for the answers to questions concerning the knowledge of 3rd grade students about a balanced diet and about possible threats that may result from eating unhealthy food. The analysis of the research results has revealed that students have adequate knowledge about a balanced diet, which they usually get from school or from the Internet. However, the children do not always follow this diet. Also, the research has confirmed the fact that students often use their knowledge of a balanced diet and they talk about healthy food with their family and friends.


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How to Cite
Jakubowicz-Bryx, A. (2020). Balanced Diet and Healthy Food in the Opinions of Early Education Students. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(4(58), 117-134.
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