Courage in Children’s Literature and Shaping the Value System of a Child at a Younger School Age
Since early childhood, a child’s value system is shaped by many factors. One of them includes children’s literature created for the youngest readers to provide them with some patterns of moral behaviour. In this article, the author analyses the way of shaping the child’s system of values in several works of literature which deal with courage. The following works were subject to qualitative analysis: The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren, and The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. Both of them are classic children’s books. Choosing them resulted mainly from the willingness to learn how to use a novel in the education of a child at a younger school age. The main issue of this article was preceded by a synthetic analysis of books on the subject, focusing on describing the notions of children’s literature and books for children, values in children’s life, as well as the development and functioning of a child in late childhood. The qualitative analysis of the above-mentioned literary works proved that building the world of values of younger schoolchildren is possible with the support of books created for them.
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