Be Like Rita Madsen. Training Early School Teachers in Denmark

  • Jakub Adamczewski Zakład Edukacji Wielokulturowej i Badań nad Nierównościami Społecznymi Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Keywords: elementary education, Danish educational system, teachers education, primary education, Rita, elementary eduction, Danish educational system, teachers education, primary education, Rita


The aim of this article is to study and reflect on the way of training elementary education teachers in Denmark. The analysis is based on the review of available books, Eurydice reports, as well as the data included in the website of the Danish Ministry of Children and Education. The author managed to present not only the general perspective on the Danish education system, but also its key features. In the description of elementary education, the stage of early school education was particularly taken into account. The author of the article mainly intended to present the system of educating teachers working in primary schools, along with the alternative paths to obtain such qualifications. The results of the analyses indicate that the Danish teacher education and training system is elitist, efficient and focused on thorough knowledge and skills of a future teacher who, in a conscious and responsible manner, cares about the child’s achievements and wellbeing. Moreover, the author of the article refers to the protagonist of the popular Danish TV series entitled Rita, which became the inspiration for writing this work.


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How to Cite
Adamczewski, J. (2021). Be Like Rita Madsen. Training Early School Teachers in Denmark. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(2(60), 25-37.