The Linguistic Skills of 5-Year-Old Children Versus their Activity and Experiences – Research Report
In compliance with the recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council in contemporary education, a tendency to develop key competences has appeared. Communication in a native language is one of them, constituting a clear foundation for others. This competence is conditioned by linguistic skills and a number of other competences, including communicative and linguistic ones. Authors list various determinants of this skill in the psychological-pedagogical literature. Therefore, can the activity undertaken by man and their procurement of experience be included among them? Searching for the answer for the question above, the following research problem has been formulated: What relation occurs between linguistic skills and the activity and experiences of five-year-old children? The researcher’s objective was therefore to prove a potential relation (or its lack) occurring between the variables. The population chosen for the research was one from among kindergarten groups. In order to collect the necessary information, the researcher used Z. Tarkowski’s test of linguistic skills, the Scale of Activity and the Scale of Experience. As a consequence of the research results, the following has been proved: a high relation between linguistic skills and the activity’s diversity, an average relation between linguistic skills and the activity’s frequency, an average relation between linguistic skills and the activity and experiences (in general approach), a weak relation between linguistic skills and the diversity of experiences, a weak relation between linguistic skills and the frequency of experiences. The activity’s diversity therefore has a greater influence on linguistic skills than its frequency. In turn, concentrating on the frequency and diversity, it can be noticed that the latter affects the linguistic skills of the subjects being tested more strongly.References
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