Male and Female Role Models in Contemporary Culture and Personal Values Preferred by Third-Grade Pupils in Primary School

Keywords: gender role schemas, femininity, crisis of masculinity, generic socialisation


The presence of egalitarian gender role models in contemporary culture does not mean that traditional models of femininity and masculinity have been completely superseded. The multitude of simultaneous gender role models may make third-grade pupils, who come out of late childhood and stand on the threshold of adolescence - a critical time for the formation of a stable identity, confused as to which of the known patterns of masculinity and femininity they should follow in their lives. The presented research aimed to explore personal values preferred by male and female pupils of the third grade of primary schools. The main problem was contained in the question: Are there gender differences among male and female pupils of the third grade of primary school in terms of their preferred personal values? The research used the method of a diagnostic survey; the tool was the Personal Values List developed by Z. Juczyński. Also, 311 third-grade pupils from the Lesser Poland region participated in the research. The analysis of the collected research material showed that in such categories as "love, friendship" and "kindness, gentleness", there was a statistically significant predominance of girls. At the same time, there was a predominance of boys in the area of "intelligence, sharpness of mind" and "wealth, property". The findings of this study partly confirmed the hypothesis: There are gender differences among pupils in primary school in the area of preference for those personal values that are traditionally considered typical for representatives of their sex.  


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How to Cite
Bocharova, O., & Smółka, L. (2021). Male and Female Role Models in Contemporary Culture and Personal Values Preferred by Third-Grade Pupils in Primary School. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(4(62), 41-55.