Hand Therapy - from Theory to Practice. Maria Montessori’s Pedagogical Assumptions in the Light of Modern Theories

Keywords: hand therapy, Montessori method, practical life exercises, prepared environment, child development, physical development, fine motor skills, handwriting



The aim of the article is to present theoretical assumptions of hand therapy and to indicate therapeutic possibilities of Maria Montessori's developmental material related to the improvement of gross and fine motor skills. Modern theories related to the child’s multidimensional motor stimulation can be reflected in Maria Montessori's pedagogical concept which enables the improvement of children’s individual skills by repeating many basic activities throughout the day thanks to prepared environment. The first part of the article presents the most important stages of a child's motor development and indicates its influence on the functioning of a child's hand. Then, the author describes the main assumptions of hand therapy and presents some practical solutions in the Montessori method. Based on the analysis of the suggested development materials in the areas of practical life exercises that develop senses and speech, examples of activities that support and prepare the child for school are indicated.


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How to Cite
Utrata, M. (2021). Hand Therapy - from Theory to Practice. Maria Montessori’s Pedagogical Assumptions in the Light of Modern Theories. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(4(62), 167-177. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2021.1662.11