Supporting the Process of Observing and Drawing Solids by Children Aged 6-9 Years – Selected Issues

Keywords: child, observation, drawing, creation, solid


Due to the importance of actions that stimulate and shape the sense of observation for children's learning activities, the cognitive research objective was to determine the importance of the factor emphasizing the construction of observed solids in the children's creation of their graphical schemes, including the presentation of the third dimension. The problem representing the general aspect of the research area was the question of the significance of a new factor, i.e. the line distinguishing edges of solids, for the way in which geometric solids observed by children are represented by means of drawings. It was assumed that, for the course of changes occurring in the development of drawings of solids, it will be possible to determine characteristic stages-schemes and a factor strengthening the process of observing the construction of solids. The analysis of the collected data showed that the introduced factor is significant for the level of the ability to graphically record geometric solids, which may influence the development of spatial sense in children. On the basis of a comparative analysis of artistic works created in the situation of drawing diverse white solids directly observed by children (in versions with and without edges marked with a black line), the knowledge obtained can be used in the process of designing educational tasks and teaching aids for which it is important to improve visual perception that also includes the third dimension of the reality.


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How to Cite
Piwowarska, E. (2022). Supporting the Process of Observing and Drawing Solids by Children Aged 6-9 Years – Selected Issues. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 17(2(65), 61-77.