Time Management of an Early School-age Child in the Opinion of Parents
The modern understanding of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship significantly deviates from the classic economic approach, which increasingly often makes us connect it with education understood as a process of self-improvement that lasts for the whole life. One of the ways to shape the characteristics of entrepreneurship is learning time management. This skill largely determines one’s resourcefulness and ability to achieve success. The aim of this article is to present the way of organizing various activities of children in the period of early childhood education in the opinion of parents, and to discuss various problems related to this subject. The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method with the online questionnaire technique and interviews. Shaping the attitudes of a child at an early school-age is inextricably linked with the ability to organize and plan time. The degree of mastering time management techniques by both parents and children varies, which is shown by the research. Further development of time management skills is necessary.
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