Child as Discoverer of Creative Problems and Questions

Keywords: questioning thinking, problem finding, creativity of children


The starting point for the article is a critique of certain statements by Jean Piaget, made by contemporary researchers of children's cognitive development. It is an introduction to the basic content devoted to specific creative competences, defined by the author as interrogative (questioning) thinking. The following sections briefly present the main assumptions of the theory of children's creative questioning thinking and some important didactic principles, thanks to which, according to the author, these abilities can be constantly and consciously stimulated and developed in the classroom. In this approach, asking questions and the ability to discover and formulate original problems, called here creative questions, is an important part of philosophical and creative thinking.


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How to Cite
Szmidt, K. (2022). Child as Discoverer of Creative Problems and Questions. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 17(3(66), 11-26.