Education of Early School Teachers in the Field of Music in the Face of Educational Change

Keywords: music education, audiation, graduation and evaluation, self-education


In pedagogical research, we refer to specific theories that explain the meaning of the formulated problems and hypotheses, justify the selection of methods, techniques and research tools for a specific research subject. The subject of the article concerns the process of learning music through audiation, which takes the form of action research, conceptually understood as inquiries undertaken by practitioners about their own education in order to improve it. The program of studies in the field of Early School Education with a music module, implemented for several years at the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, made it possible to take up in research problems treated as an application of the theory of music learning. This text presents the views of students on the inclusion in the curriculum of methodological content necessary to conduct research in the field of music education. The considerations concerned the audiation model of education, covering the process of developing human musicality from birth to adulthood. The presented opinions testify to a positive attitude to research in music education and make it aware that it is necessary to skillfully analyze the rules that students follow when learning music.


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How to Cite
Zwolińska, E. A. (2022). Education of Early School Teachers in the Field of Music in the Face of Educational Change. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 17(3(66), 119-136.