Innovativeness in Preschool Education in the Light of the Applicable Legal Regulations and Analysis of the Literature on the Subject
Introducing improvements and enhancements aimed at improving the quality of the institution's work is an extremely important and constantly valid challenge faced by contemporary pre-school education institutions. Pedagogical innovativeness implemented by both preschool education teachers and the management of these institutions is in line with the current social expectations and meets the needs and interests of preschool children.
The aim of the article is to undertake theoretical considerations and present the definitional difference of program vs. innovation, referring to specific regulations of the Educational Law, with particular emphasis on the stage of pre-school education. In addition, the author of the article mentioned the concepts of innovativeness in the educational aspect, discussed by various authors in pedagogical publications. Also, the most important regulations contained in the core curriculum for preschool education were analysed. The binding legal regulations included in the Education Law have been outlined, regarding innovation and the possibility of undertaking innovative activities by teachers, with particular emphasis on preschool education teachers. It was indicated that the purposefulness, planning and innovativeness are among the most important criteria that should be taken into account in innovative solutions. The summary is a terminological definition of the validity of the selection of the program vs. innovation to be implemented by teachers of preschool education.
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