The SAMR Model in Creating a Digital Language Learning Environment for Early Elementary School Children

Keywords: elementary school-aged children, foreign language learning, distance education, hybrid education, SAMR model, digital tools


One of the basic tasks of school at the elementary education level, related to the preparation of a good literacy foundation for the acquisition of a foreign language by children, requires teachers to support the development of the child's learning mechanisms through the conscious use of methods and tools derived from information technology that are adapted to the needs and capabilities of the child at this stage of life. The undertaken research aimed to use the assumptions of the SAMR model in supporting children in grade 2 of elementary school with a foreign language in a situation of exclusively remote and hybrid education. Based on Ruben R. Puentedura's (2013) SAMR model, the action research study used digital tools to engage children in activities using different forms of digital stories. The research indicates that the learning of the children was optimized in the hybrid form. It turned out that using digital tools produced better results than purely remote learning. The conclusions resulting from the research conducted in a small group of children (thus difficult to generalize) will serve as an inspiration to outline further research perspectives in the analyzed area, including the construction of a model for experimental research.


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How to Cite
Sikorska, J. (2023). The SAMR Model in Creating a Digital Language Learning Environment for Early Elementary School Children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(2(69), 43-54.