A Teacher and Education for Values. Ideas of Father Karol Mazurkiewicz.
The aim of the article is to show the views of Father Karol Mazurkiewicz concerning a teacher and education for values. The deliberations contained in this text are a part of the discussion concerning the history of the theory of upbringing and pedeutology. His pedagogical publications became the basis of the analyses and interpretations. The analyses of sources were carried out according to the methodology of the historical and pedagogical research. The article presents the pedeutological ideas developed by the priest against the background of his brief scientific biography. Father Mazurkiewicz compared a teacher to a priest. In the context of the education for values, a distinctive feature of the views of Fr Mazurkiewicz was the formulation of pedagogical principles that play an important role in the educational activity of both lay teachers and members of the clergy dealing with upbringing and teaching. The discussion leads to the conclusion that the ideas related to the teacher’s personality traits and tasks were derived from the concept of upbringing. Fr Mazurkiewicz understood upbringing as shaping a man in accordance with the values such as good, truth and beauty. These ideas have not lost their validity. Therefore, the main intention of the undertaken research is to show that values such as good, truth and beauty can and should be promoted in contemporary schools and in upbringing activities carried out by various institutions. The principles stemming from them have a timeless value in shaping proper interpersonal relations and preparing a person for living in the society.
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