The Value of Literature in the Process of Preparing a Child for the Death of a Close Relative in the Context of Edith Grotberg's Concept of Resilience
The purpose of the study presented in this article was to learn about the ways death is depicted in children’s literature. Content analysis of twenty books that are available in Poland and describe the death of a close person in the life of a child indicates the phenomenon of familiarization with the meaning of death in children’s literature. A characteristic feature of the analysed books is the presentation of passing away as a natural stage in the life cycle. The books illustrate the relationship with the dying person and with the child’s significant adults as values. The results of the study were interpreted considering Edith Grotberg’s concept of resilience. The results demonstrate that the books can be used to strengthen the resilience of children experiencing bereavement in all three dimensions: "I have," "I am" and "I can". Death is embedded in the context of illness and the places to which the dead people go take different forms, such as heaven, a secret island, and the hearts of relatives. Reading the books that were analysed may contribute to the development of children's competence to recognize and communicate their own emotions. The factor that influences children’s resilience, which is present in almost all of the analysed books, is the relationship with an adult caregiver.
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