How to Educate Towards Values in the Pre-School Space in a Transcultural Society?
In the time of dynamically changing reality, it is necessary to look at the values passed on to the youngest generations and to revise the existing theoretical foundations of the educational process, already at the stage of preschool education. These issues are extremely important from the pedagogical point of view, as it concerns the essence of upbringing. The aim of the scientific analysis undertaken was to attempt to outline the way in which children in state preschools are educated for values, taking into account the perspective of the contingency of cultural structures and their hybridization. The analyses were based on two qualitative methods of data collection, i. e. an analysis of the existing data (core curriculum for preschool education) and individual, partially guided, problem-focused interviews with 50 parents of children attending state kindergartens in Olsztyn. The research was conducted between April and June 2022. The article presents the issue of fundamental values and education for values in the pre-school space. It also focuses on the issue of transculturalism in the pedagogical approach. The analysis of the existing data revealed the need for changes towards combining regional and intercultural education in the theoretical and practical work of kindergartens as they form the basis for a transcultural process of education for values. The parents’ statements, in turn, indicate the need to introduce fundamental values in the life of a young person, enabling a transition to family values and then to values of respect and tolerance, but also moving towards coexistence and free use of different cultural elements.
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