Kindergarden as a Site for Diagnosing Children’s Linguistic Communication Disorders
The early diagnosis of the difficulties in a child’s development is the condition for effective assistance. This also applies to problems in a language communication. Language performs lots of functions in man’s communication. It allows to express feelings and desires, to communicate with other members of the social group, is used as a replacement for the things and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Thanks to the language there is a message conveyed regarding the value of culture. Language plays a vital role in the development of thinking. All sorts of irregularities in the field of language development can lead to consequences in the social, emotional and cognitive sphere. This is why it is so important to identify quickly the nature of the difficulties in the development of linguistic communication in order to implement early enough the restructurisation proceedings. In this article there are issues related to the nature of the diagnosis of disorders in speech development of preschool children. This diagnosis can be of two types: screening (preliminary), as well as a full recognition of speech therapy. This article describes both screening tests and full speech therapy diagnosis, which includes speech and language therapy interview, observation, assessment and analysis of the results of medical and psychological research. The attention was drawn to the preschool teacher’s duties, defining his role in the early identification of speech disorders. It also stressed the importance of the interdisciplinary nature interactions in the diagnostic process in which the teacher cooperates with a speech therapist and other professionals. Also the diagnostic tools were discussed, which of those could be used by a kindergarden teacher during the screening to identify children with abnormalities as regards development of speech.References
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