Mantle of Expert (MoE)’ in Kindergarten Education

Keywords: Mantle of the Expert – MoE, playing library, kindergarten, complexity of skills, interview research


In our study, the complexity of skill development of preschool children is presented through the Mantle of the Expert (MoE) method which is a specific type of education approach based on drama pedagogy. The adaptation of the method was developed by Dorothy Heathcote (Heathcote&Bolton, 1995) and the development potential of the game in kindergarten is exemplified by the expert game of playing library in the ’Central Kindergarten’ in Jászberény, Hungary. The ‘Librarian MoE’ will be demonstrated with the help of the theoretical background of MoE and our empirical research based on a qualitative, structured interview method with parents (N=11). Our preliminary research focuses on the experience of the parents of those children who were actively participating in the ‘Librarian MoE’ during the initiation, creation and operation of the special kindergarten drama game. Regarding the results of the research, it can be claimed that the “play library” created according to the Mantle of the Expert method, had positive effects on the children’s social relationships and their ability to cooperate. Moreover, the children’s digital competence and use of ICT tools has become more conscious.


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How to Cite
Bernhardt, R., & Magyar, Ágnes. (2023). Mantle of Expert (MoE)’ in Kindergarten Education . Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(1(68), 91-101.