Learning Strategies of Students in Early Childhood Education in the Light of Research
Learning skills have been included in the competences of the 21st century, which proves their importance in the life of an individual. They are essential in the personal and professional development of man in the world of dynamic changes taking place in the surrounding reality. Therefore, the development of learning skills, starting from early school education, becomes a priority. The main role in this matter is played by the teacher who supports in this process. Nowadays, the image of the teacher as a tutor accompanying the student on the paths of acquiring knowledge is drawn, taking into account the development of effective learning skills. That is why it is important, among others, to show students learning strategies for effective memorization of content, making notes and improving memory. In order to learn about the students' learning strategies and the techniques used by teachers, interviews were conducted with third-grade primary school students and early childhood education teachers. Attention was focused on several issues: what learning methods do students use? do they use the Internet while learning?; What learning strategies do teachers use in the teaching process? The conducted research will be used to formulate practical conclusions useful for teachers.
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