Shuar Mythology in Postcolonial Perspective on the Basis of the Etsa Picturebook

  • Aleksandra Wierucka University of Gdansk
Keywords: Shuar mythology, postcolonialism, picturebook, indigenous myths, Amazon Basin


Myths presented in the form of picture books can spark an interest in the culture they originate from. They also have an important educational role and can be an effective medium for sharing indigenous perspectives. In this article I analyse and interpret the picture book titled Etsa. Its main theme is based on one of the most important myths of the Shuar people – an indigenous group of Ecuador. The book could be adopted in the curriculum in elementary school in order to expose young students to cultural diversity and practices that are specific to the Shuar culture. Postcolonial and perspectivist lenses are used to show that in this book – similarly to many others – indigenous myths that are originally full of meaning are transformed into simple stories that do not convey important local values. One of the most important Shuar myths about the Sun personification became a story about the boy who recklessly follows a demon. The book that was to present a Shuar myth probably should not be used in classroom as fails to fulfil its promise.


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How to Cite
Wierucka, A. (2023). Shuar Mythology in Postcolonial Perspective on the Basis of the Etsa Picturebook. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(4 (71), 89-101.