The role and significance of questions in school education

  • Marian Śnieżyński Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: question, dialogue, education, didactic process, subjectivity, educational atmospfere.


Asking questions by both the teachers and the students simplifies the process of mutual communication, helps to build teacher-student relationship based on mutual openness, friendliness and trust. A common reason for the silence of students in class, in addition to unpreparedness, is the fear of disclosure of their own opinion. Students are ashamed or afraid to speak fearing that the teacher will not accept or even ridicule the question. Unfortunately, as my research shows, the higher the level of education, the fewer questions asked by the students. The dialogue is pushed to the back burner of education giving way to monologue. As shown by numerous studies in Polish schools is preferred the teaching model based on monologue that arises from the traditional approach to the teaching process. The main actor is a teacher who transmits knowledge to students. He doesn’t give them the opportunity to appeal to their experience and knowledge. He doesn’t engage them into their own research. He does not create a favorable atmosphere in which the student could ask questions, and together with other students construct their knowledge. The turning point is to train teachers so they will include in the teaching process new solutions based on open, problematic questions. Education for dialogue is based on a holistic approach. The child must be the subject of any action, and these actions must be consistent with its level of development, capabilities and skills. Human potential will only be used when the whole brain is developed. The same is true for intelligence. School-system values only two types of intelligence: linguistic and mathematical. That should be changed.


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How to Cite
Śnieżyński, M. (2016). The role and significance of questions in school education. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 8(29/3), 13-22. Retrieved from
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