Problems of the Family Depicted in Contemporary Animated Movies
For years, animated fairy tales have allowed children to experience extraordinary adventures with their favourite characters. They shape a worldview, making it possible for children to identify with characters who, like them, experience happy and difficult moments. The fairy tales do not shy away from depicting the difficulties of everyday life, especially those arising within the fundamental social group that is the family. This article presents the results of a study that aimed to identify and characterise family problems depicted in contemporary animated fairy tales. The research was conducted by means of a collective study of individual cases using the technique of document analysis. A detailed analysis of 20 animated fairy tales reveals a family space entangled in a variety of difficulties that result, among other things, from inadequate communication between family members. Parents portrayed in animated works are struggling with professional problems and also make many upbringing mistakes of being over-protective and demanding of their child. The lack of acceptance of the young person, his or her passions and dreams, generates frequent conflict situations in families. Family problems portrayed in fairy tales for the youngest largely reflect the everyday life of modern families. The difficulties are presented in a simplified manner, adapted to the capabilities of young viewers, who, in the course of the plot, have the opportunity to identify with the characters experiencing the same problems.
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