Developing Intercultural Competences of Future Preschool and Early Childhood Education Teachers Using Transformative Learning

Keywords: transformative thinking, intercultural competences, future teachers, preschool, early childhood education


The aim of this article is to show the specificity of academic training of future teachers of preschool and early childhood education with regard to supporting the development of their intercultural competence. Taking into account the theoretical preparation, these activities can be undertaken in classes that include a practical part carried out at school with children with migration or refugee experience. The theoretical basis here will become the assumptions of Jack Mezirow's concept of transformative thinking. In the text, I show an example of the implementation of solutions related to the development of these competencies in a series of classes: Intercultural Education (30 h, 2 ECTS) and Intercultural Competencies in Teacher's Work (30 h, 2 ECTS) with mandatory supervision and consideration of the ten stages of transformative learning. These include the emergence of a confusion dilemma, self-examination, critical evaluation of epistemological assumptions made, recognition of the similarity of experiencing an analogous situation by others, exploration of the possibility of a different implementation of the teacher's role, designing the course of new activities, obtaining additional knowledge and skills, temporarily taking on new roles, and - being the longest and most challenging stage: developing competence and self-confidence in implementing activities in cross-cultural interactions.


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How to Cite
Smoter, K. (2023). Developing Intercultural Competences of Future Preschool and Early Childhood Education Teachers Using Transformative Learning. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(3(70), 121-131.