Social Functioning of Migrant Children in Polish Schools in the Opinion of Parents and Principals of Primary Schools
The economic and political changes of the last dozen years meant that Polish schools had to deal with the actual organization of education for children of different nationalities. The idea of intercultural education is implemented in various aspects; one of them is the correct process of adaptation to a new environment. This article shows the process of adaptation of children of different nationalities to the school environment of a Polish school in the opinion of parents and primary school principals. The presented research results show the described problem from the perspective of two time periods: before and after Russia's attack on Ukraine. The results of the analysis of the collected research material show the attitudes of students before starting education in a new place, problems related to the adaptation process, actions taken to implement the idea of intercultural education, and differences in the organization of education for students of different nationalities before and after Russia's attack on Ukraine. The presented article shows the current picture of the adaptation process of children of different nationalities in the developing intercultural education in Polish schools.
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