Creations of Characters in Educational Comics for Children versus Identification and Transmission of Knowledge

Keywords: comics, children's literature, hero, education, identification, cartoon


The educational comic book is a popular artistic genre in children’s culture: its power of communication and impact lies in the correlation of the verbal and visual layers (iconotextuality). However, not only images and text have a fundamental impact on the reception of the medium: the key element for each comic book is the hero (see Toeplitz, 1985), who, combined with its cartoony character, makes identification easier for young readers. The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between the character of the hero and the transfer of knowledge and identification with the protagonists. The adopted classification is to distinguish four types of heroes present in comic books for young audiences: child, adult, animal and fantastic creature. The analysis showed that the protagonists are constructed in such a way as to reduce the distance between the reader and the book, and this makes it easier for the young readers to identify with the characters. The creations of the characters significantly influence the reader’s way of reading and emotions, therefore providing an opportunity to address a variety of topics and convey complex content.


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How to Cite
Suchańska, A. (2023). Creations of Characters in Educational Comics for Children versus Identification and Transmission of Knowledge. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(4 (71), 115-126.