Iconotext and Environmental Protection. Ecocritical Analysis of Selected Norwegian Children’s Books

Keywords: ecocriticism, climate crisis, Norwegian picture books, children’s literature, developing ecological awareness among children


The aim of the article is to examine how environmental issues are presented from an ecocritical perspective in Norwegian children’s picture books. Using the presented theory, I address the following research questions: What philosophical stance is presented in the selected books? What is the portrayal of nature in the iconotexts? How can the described environmental threat and its reasons be defined? How are the relationships between people and nature presented? Is the environmental crisis depicted in the books possible to mitigate? What future do the authors envision for humanity? The material for the analysis consists of Blekkulf. Hval i trøbbel by Bente Roestad, Jerzy Olszak and Magdalena Markiewka, Under polarisen by Line Renslebråten, and Hva er greia med klima? by Ole Mathismoen and Jenny Jordahl. The analysis shows that the books are dominated by the anthropocentric mindset; the image of nature and the relationship between humans and nature are diverse; the crisis exists and results from human activity, although its scope is presented differently. The different ways of featuring the crisis may or may not be related to the genre of the analysed books. The pastoral narrative is predominant, suggesting the possibility of returning to a pristine state of nature, although an apocalyptic narrative present in one text indicates irreversible climate change.


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How to Cite
Garczyńska, H. (2023). Iconotext and Environmental Protection. Ecocritical Analysis of Selected Norwegian Children’s Books. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(4 (71), 55-67. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2023.1871.04