Diversity is Everywhere. Minä ja uusi vauva (Boken om attfåsyskon) by Maria Frensborg and Maija Hurme, or Where Do Babies Come from and are They All the Same?

Keywords: diversity, multiculturalism, Finnish picture books, iconotext, Finnish children’s literature, informative picture book


The aim of the article is to analyse, which of the topics listed by the Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature (Lastenkirjainstituutti) as the most common topics in children’s literature published in Finland in 2020 appear in the book Minä ja uusi vauva of Maria Frensborg and Maija Hurme and how the authors deal with that topics. The book, that might also be seen as an informational or partially informational one, is dealing with a problem of belonging to different social groups, but it also shows the young readers, quite explicitly, the secrets of fertility and becoming parents. The article discusses also, how multiculturalism and diversity are shown in the book as the parts of everyday life. What is worth highlightning is that the authors focus on similarities rather than differences between the representatives of those social groups.


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How to Cite
Podlaska, M. (2023). Diversity is Everywhere. Minä ja uusi vauva (Boken om attfåsyskon) by Maria Frensborg and Maija Hurme, or Where Do Babies Come from and are They All the Same?. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 18(4 (71), 81-88. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2023.1871.06