Definition and Classification of the Term Pedagogical Innovation - Systematic Review Study
The article is based on a systematic review study, which includes systematization, collection and analysis of relevant scientific studies in the field of pedagogy related to the issue of the definition of pedagogical innovation, its types and forms at the first level of primary schools. The main objective of the review study was to identify the definition of the concept of pedagogical innovation and its classification of types, kinds and forms at the first level of primary schools in the professional literature. We selected the analysed literature according to criteria: scientific studies and articles published in scientific journals and periodicals, studies related to the issue of pedagogical innovation at the primary level of education, studies published in the last 20 years, studies in Slovak, Czech and English languages. We have identified a number of problems that we propose to address at the research level. These are: synonymous understanding of the terms pedagogical innovation and reform, semantic meaning of the word pedagogical innovation, pedagogical innovation and its form in the process of social change, the connection of pedagogical innovation with the innovation process, the innovation cycle, the creation of conditions in school education for the introduction of pedagogical innovations, criteria for classifying pedagogical innovation.
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