Pictures About Sounds. Picture books For Children Shaping Active Attitude Towards Audiospehe
The article contains an analysis of selected picture books for children related to the issue of sound and the audiosphere in order to determine the possibility of their use in education in the field of acoustic ecology. According to the assumptions formulated in the 1960s by Raymond Murray Schafer, such education should develop sensitivity to sounds, awareness of the complexity of the audiosphere and responsibility for it. The content analysis method was used in the framework of qualitative research, referring to the areas of object and receptivity in the study of visual materials. Picture books have been found to be evocative of sound issues without the use of recordings or sheet music. They awaken the imagination and stimulate creativity. The sounds imagined or created by children while reading become the third, next to images and words, medium that creates a book. The non-verbal nature of the image brings it closer to the world of sounds and promotes aesthetic education, revealing the potential of picture books to cross the boundaries of the arts. The analysed publications provide many opportunities for interaction between a child and an adult who supports the reading process, and they are conducive to awakening sensitivity to the audiosphere in adults. The presence of such artistic measures is part of the noticeable tendency to treat young readers as capable of reflecting on topics of global importance.
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