Literary Texts of Early School Education Against the Challenges of the Anthropocene
The contemporary social crisis requires deep reflection and making the right decisions to counteract the effects of the changes that have taken place. The Anthropocene, as the time when man became the force responsible for the transformations taking place on Earth, poses specific challenges to us – living in the present times. The aim of the article is to indicate the reason for the actions taken to prevent climate change by presenting specific literary texts that fulfill this requirement. For the needs of the analyses, the document analysis method was used. Bruce's experience began with defining the concept of social crisis. In the next part, the climate crisis was pointed out as a contemporary existential threat. The position of the European Union in this regard was quoted. The role of education as a guarantor of changes in the process of transforming the ecological awareness of modern man was emphasized. As a result of the analysis of documents, the rank of Polish language education in this area was indicated: with full conviction and responsibility, a literary text was established as a modulator of awareness attitudes; methods supporting the development of ecological attitudes in the education process were presented. The essence of creative work with a literary text was also emphasized. Specific, selected literary texts from the proposed reading list for grades 1-3 of primary school were recommended, the content of which develops pro-ecological and cognitive competences, taking into account the challenges of the Anthropocene.
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