School readiness to learn mathematics in six years old children in Montessori kindergarten - research report

Keywords: school readiness, school maturity, Montessori metod, mathematics, preschool child, mathematical competence


In Montessori method mathematics is an important area of education, the aim of which is to teach children self-reliance, to develop interest in mathematics, as well as introduction to the world of numbers, exploring the importance of coding and numerical operations, and taking deliberate action to solve mathematical problems and emotional resilience. The results are supposed to indicate what are the effects of learning mathematics in preschool children conducted through Montessori teaching. This paper presents partial results of the pilot studies carried out in the framework of the statutory research project on "Alternative Education in elementary education." The main research problem was the question: What level of school readiness was reached by children born in 2006 and 2007, attending Montessori Integration Preschool in Krakow in the school year 2012/13? The choice of institution was targeted because it is one of the oldest established preschool in Poland entirely based on assumptions of Montessori teaching. Analysis of the results indicates that the tested children achieved a high level of school readiness for learning mathematics. Children performed well in tasks that require the training. As a result, it can be argued that the theoretical and practical foundation of mathematical competence acquisition in age from 3 to 6 years developed by Maria Montessori had a positive impact on the achievement of the school readiness in children. In order to confirm this thesis, the research should be extended to a larger group of children who attend Montessori preschools in Poland and compared with the achievements of preschoolers educated with other methods.


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How to Cite
Surma, B. (2016). School readiness to learn mathematics in six years old children in Montessori kindergarten - research report. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 8(28/2), 35-56. Retrieved from

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